Soil is the primary means of producing food and the basis of human life. The way in which soil is managed has a direct influence on the quality of the food produced, the efficiency with which we use the finite resources involved and the environmental consequences. We are currently faced with a spectrum of related problems in the Kenya including: static crop yields, declining soil organic matter levels, inefficient and costly fertilizer usage, nitrate, phosphate and pesticide contamination of water courses, excessive flood water run off and soil erosion. Underlying these is the critical importance of soil management.

The management of soil generally and soil fertility in particular is a poorly developed science. The principle of supplying adequate nutrients to more than meet the particular crop’s off take, as recommended by the Defra Fertilizer Manual RB209, has been followed for the last 30 years. Conventional farmers follow fertilizer recommendations which have been made without reference to soil structure, soil life, soil organic matter or the need to minimize finite resources, particularly of oil, which is used in nitrogen fertilizer manufacture and mined phosphate. Cheap fertilizer, excess application rates and poor crop utilization result in only 45% of nitrogen fertilizer being used by the crop. Government legislation has had to be introduced to control farm practices including nitrate fertilizer and manure restrictions, particularly in sensitive areas and incentives to encourage winter ground cover and the use of legumes. Organic farmers have sought to address the use of finite resources and to reduce pollution by routine use of legumes and recycling nutrients within the farm and the avoidance of synthetic fertilizers. However they operate with very limited soil analysis information to aid the biological management of soils.
There is now renewed interest amongst all farmers in soil structure, use of green manures and encouraging soil life, particularly in parts of the country where serious and growing problems are experienced.

To date, the long-term evidence for the use of alternative and biological soil analysis techniques is inconclusive, despite enthusiastic use by some farmers and advisers, particularly in the East Africa. In the UK there is an urgent need to bring such international experience, research, and farmer knowledge to the forefront in the development of improved food and farming systems.
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