Friday 2 February 2018

In the past, breeders have slowly improved crop varieties by crossing pairs of plants that exhibit desirable qualities. Now this slow and labor-intensive method is getting a helping hand from molecular biology. Researchers are saving time by examining plant DNA for clues to predict which plant crosses are most likely to be successful in producing a given trait. Genetic modification is another tool used to improve seeds in such a way that they can produce the same or more yield with less water.

Today’s crop protection technologies can also help plants use water more efficiently. Some products have a beneficial effect on root systems, allowing plants to make the most of available water and cope better in dry periods. Plant regulator products are designed to help prevent crop loss when plants grow too tall and collapse. They also provide additional benefits by reducing water needed to grow crops. Other products are specifically designed to protect plants from moderate drought and other stresses by blocking the plant’s response to stress which increases the long-term health of plants and improves farmers’ yields.

Contact us  on +254746300055 / +254738690937 or on to get a customized drip irrigation

Thursday 1 February 2018

Increasing water efficiency on the farm

Dripsol Company's best option is to implement solutions that have the potential of increasing the efficiency, equity and sustainability of water use. This will require a shift from the focus on pure “land productivity” without concern for water use to “water productivity,” that is, getting the highest yield out of every drop of water used in agriculture. Resource efficient methods and technology will allow farmers to grow more food with less water while protecting biodiversity.
In many parts of the world, mismanagement is depleting freshwater resources—the blue water in rivers, lakes and groundwater stores—which in turn has threatened freshwater biodiversity and permanently changed patterns of water flow. Agriculture utilizes on average 70 percent of the world’s available fresh water. But this is higher in areas such as the Middle East and northern Africa, where up to 90 percent of freshwater withdrawals are used to irrigate crops.

Through Dripsol company modern Drip Irrigation holds the most promise for increasing food productivity and security, provided it is managed efficiently. Steady irrigation combined with optimum delivery of fertilizers, seed care, crop enhancement and crop protection products can make fields more productive, even with a reliable supply of rain and is crucial to maintain productivity in times of drought. More efficient ways to   irrigate land will save tremendous amounts of water. About 40 percent of water used in irrigation is wasted through unsustainable practices such as field flooding. Modern irrigation systems can drastically reduce the amount of water used in farming by efficiently delivering water directly to plants. This reduces the amount of water lost through surface evaporation by 30 to 70 percent depending on crop and weather conditions.

The second part of the equation comes from the rainfall that infiltrates and remains in the soil, called green water. This is the largest fresh water resource and the basis of rain-fed agriculture. While farmers cannot control how much it rains, they can do a lot to retain rain in the soil. All rain-fed agriculture depends on the soil’s capacity to capture rain water. Heavy rain cannot penetrate parched and crusted soil and just runs off the surface.

Even with optimum soil and water management, farmers will still lose crops to drought and heat if they do not have the best seeds and crop protection to carry them through inevitable dry spells.  Researchers have developed new crop varieties which are more water efficient and tolerant to heat and drought through advances in breeding and biotechnology. Modest measures like conservation tillage practices that improve soil structure by avoiding plowing, mulching to prevent evaporation, and small-scale water harvesting can increase rain water infiltration by as much as 2-3 fold. However, the yields from irrigated farms are often higher than from solely rain-fed agriculture. Thus, farmers must integrate a combination of rain-fed and irrigated agricultural methods to optimize the yields of crops for the water used.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Water scarcity has a critical Impact on Food security!

Of the vast amount of water that covers the blue earth, 2.5 percent is fresh water, and only about a third of this resource can be economically available for human use. That is a mere teaspoon in a full bathtub when compared to the total amount of water on earth. Now think about the competing demands on this finite resource—drinking, hygiene, agriculture, energy, and industry in a world of 9 billion people by 2030. It quickly becomes clear that without better water management strategies today, the world is headed for a crisis that will affect every aspect of life.

Already, 80 countries suffer from water shortages that threaten health and economies while 40 percent of the world—more than 2 billion people—does not have access to clean water or sanitation . In some countries access to public water tanks is allowed only once every 45 days, often resulting in rural conflicts over water. Though the effects of water shortage are more severe in the developing world, the United States and Europe haven’t escaped unscathed.

Roughly, a liter of water is required to produce every calorie, so an adequate daily diet requires more than 2,000 liters of water to produce enough food for one person. Of this, 40 percent on global average can come from irrigated agriculture. New factors such as increasing world population and improved affluence will further strain water resources. In addition, the uncertain effects of climate change on drought, floods, and agricultural productivity will exacerbate the situation.The public usually associates water shortages with a lack of drinking water. But global water scarcity has a critical impact on food security. Water is the biggest limiting factor in the world’s ability to feed a growing population and the link between food, energy, climate, economic growth, and human security challenges.

If we continue to apply current water management practices, by 2030 the global agricultural sector will need to double the amount of water used to feed the world With finite freshwater resources on the one hand, and increasing demand, both in quantity and variety of uses, on the other, the need for water resources protection and management has never been greater. The question is how do we meet this challenge without increasing fresh water withdrawal to feed the world? Stay alert with Dripsol Company  as we discuss about water in the Farm in the next Article. Get ion touch with us through / +254(0)746-300055 / +254(0)738-690937.  

Monday 29 January 2018

                converting to drips.
Converting a conventional spray system to drip can provide a quick return on investment in terms of dollars and drips. Plus, it is the responsible thing to do.  There are a few important concepts you have to keep in mind when converting an existing irrigation system to a drip irrigation system. First, calculate the amount of water you will be using with your new system. You can do this by counting the number of emitters and multiply by the volume of water each is rated at. Convert this number into G.P.M. (Gallons Per Minute); most emitters are rated in G.P.H. (Gallons Per Hour) so divide the number you get above by sixty. For Example: number of emitter’s × flow rate ÷ 60. This will give you the flow of your drip system; now compare this value to the minimum flow your valve will function at. Remote control valves need a certain volume of water to seat themselves so check with the manufacturer. Now that you have checked your valve, select a filter that has the correct screen size for the drip emitters you will be using. It is common to find a pre assembled “Control Zone” that takes care of the filter and the valve. However, it is still important to do your hydraulic calculations; this will help you select the proper control zone. Make sure that you have enough water pressure at the end of the line, this is necessary for the emitter’s to work properly. Most Drip Irrigation manufactures have this data readily available. For most pressure compensated emitters you need a minimum of 10 PSI at the end of the line. After you have pressure tested and flushed your system, it is time to install the emitters. It is a very good idea to use a hole punch that is matched to your emitters. Obviously, a hole that is too large will leak, a hole too small will make installation difficult. It would be smart to check with the manufacture to get specific installation instructions; this will help you install the product more efficiently and save you from any headaches that may occur.

Get in Touch with us on  contacts: +254746300055 / +254738690937


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