Friday 2 March 2018


Farmers frequently ask us for specific fertilizer for their crops. Dripsol company fraternity would happily oblige if all crops were the same!

How to fertilize a crop correctly

 This can only be done if the organic status and soil life are healthy enough to ensure that recycling of nutrients takes place. Unfortunately, each crop is different because each land is unique. Each land has its own reserve of nutrients and this must be taken into account when determining a crop’s fertilizer requirement. This is why it’s necessary to have the soil analysed. Only once you have these results can you determine how to fertilize according to the specific needs of the crop.

The nutrients in the soil are bound in clay colloids and may not be readily available to the plants due to the soil pH or the action of certain minerals. As a result, the nutrients must first be ‘altered’ chemically or biologically before the plants can use them.

Phosphorous, for example, can be in the form of Iron Phosphate, Aluminium Phosphate or Manganese Phosphate. In any of these states, it is unavailable to plants. Fertilizer companies therefore finely grind rock phosphate and treat it chemically. Applied to a crop, this makes phosphate available to plants. The duration of this availability will depend largely on the soil’s pH. Plants convert the sun’s energy into sugary substances in their leaves and exude these from their roots to supply soil microbes. About 30% of the energy used by the plants goes into feeding microbes, and these in turn make nutrients available to the plant. If we don’t consider the value of a healthy microbial environment in the soil, the plants certainly do!

Organic content also acts as a buffer. A hectare of good soil with a healthy organic content can contain up to 5t of soil organisms. These represent a reservoir of nutrients that are constantly recycled and provide food for plants. A healthy, balanced quantity of minerals in the soil is good for all crops, especially vegetables. Once you have achieved this, you need only ‘top-up’ where necessary, irrespective of the crop.

More soil organisms present in the soil, fewer worries 

The higher the organic content of the soil and the accompanying soil life, the less you need to know about soil fertility and the less important mineral imbalances become. Farmers and fertilizer companies place too much emphasis on establishing the precise quantity of fertilizer to apply to each crop instead of getting the soil properly fertile in the first place. How soon you can achieve this depends on your operation. Field crops do not always have enough of a profit margin for a farmer to fast-track the process but the principles remain the same.

Soil health

 Compost  is  a  mixture  of  dead  plants,  roots  and leaves. If your soil is heavy clay adding compost will help the soil drain water . If your sandy, adding compost will help the soil hold more water. Adding compost brings earth worms and other living things that help plants and roots grow strong and healthy. Vegetable farmers,  have too much to lose by ignoring soil fertility. Focus on improving soil health as soon as possible – by increasing organic content, achieving the correct mineral balance and tilling as little as possible.  As world population and food production demands rise, keeping our soils healthy and productive is of more importance.

Happy Farming,

contact us for drip irrigation quotes  +254 (0) 746-300-055 / +254 (0) 7-3869-0937 


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