Monday 18 December 2017

contact us for a customized drip irrigation kit for all packages..1/8...1/4...1/2...and an acre ...Hope the next project is yours. 
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Friday 8 December 2017

You may believe that center-pivot irrigation (which is where machines rove around in a wide circle and deliver even amounts of water on the crops) is a valid solution; However, it is not healthy for the soil. A potentially better solution is drip irrigation. To us Dripsol company, drip irrigation is “a system of crop irrigation involving the controlled delivery of water directly to individual plants through a network of pipes and tubes”. Basically, the farmer can control how much water each plant gets so that there is little water waste through evaporation.

This method is effective because it avoids the arbitrary placement of water over the whole expanse of a field, regardless of whether the plant is actually receiving the nourishment or not. Additionally, drip irrigation can help decrease eutrophication (which is when bodies of water receive an unhealthy dose of fertilizers such as nitrogen and phosphorus through farm runoff). Instead of excess runoff dragging harmful chemicals into rivers and streams, little to no water is wasted.

Finally, tying international cultures with sustainable agricultural practices, the Dripsol Company was started to implement drip irrigation into the fields in 2014. Through this new irrigation technique, If more countries in the world did this, worldwide consumption of water would decrease. According to the World Water Development Report (WWDR), 47% of the world’s people are going to be living in “areas of high water stress” in 2030. If humanity doesn’t switch to better irrigation methods, we could end up exacerbating the dire water problem.

All Time Trusted Company for your irrigation needs

Get in touch with us through; TELL: +254 746300055
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Tuesday 5 December 2017

Drip tape and drip tube are mostly used in modern agriculture irrigation.
If you want to save water, save cost, save manpower, and increase the production output, you should consider this.

call us on 0746300055 for a customized drip system for your farm.

write to us through to get in touch with us.

Monday 4 December 2017

Having a customized Drip irrigation kit on your farm is every Farmer's dream come true especially in this Festive season. 

Join fellow farmers around the country in using customized drip irrigation kit.We are a call a away, get in touch through 0746300055 or or for more info and book for a site visit.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Today’s drip irrigation systems work in a wide variety of conditions, but during a drought is where they really shine. Being able to water your plants and keep them healthy using very little water is a farmer’s dream come true and only a drip irrigation system can make that happen. Drip irrigation systems are highly effective, very efficient and can save you thousands of cash per year in water costs. With Dripsol Company and with your help, drought conditions don't have to result in the devastation of your plants. 

It's time to put your farm under drip irrigation. With the help of Dripsol Company's aim of helping farmers farm all year round, we would like to make a digital farming step with you by ensuring that you are happy using our modernized drip irrigation kits on your farm. Contact us on 0746300055 or 0738690937 for a well designed drip kit for your farm.

Drip.Drop and Crop with us.


Thursday 23 November 2017

Be a Digital farmer using Drip irrigation system on your Farm.

Drip irrigation is the most efficient means of watering everything in your farm. A drip system delivers water directly to the plant’s root zone. Drip irrigation converts a high-pressure stream to a slow emission of droplets that can be placed exactly where water is needed. Water savings result due to the precision of drip irrigation. Unlike sprays and sprinklers, there is no evaporation loss, and the amount of water each plant receives can be tailored to suit its needs. As shrubs and weeds mature and grow, they often block the distribution pattern of sprinklers and prevent water from reaching the intended spots. With drip irrigation, water is delivered to the base of each plant, avoiding interference from leaves, branches and objects. It provides a simple way to convert spray systems to drip eliminating runoff and over spray. The unneeded sprays can be sealed off with a simple-to-install universal cap off device. The virtues of drip extend beyond its water-efficiency. It is by far the best method of deep watering. If a plant grows on a slope, drip will maximize the amount of water available to its roots because the slow delivery of water won’t run off the surface before having a chance to penetrate the soil. Moreover, sprinklers wet foliage, trunks, and flower petals, which can shorten the life and degrade the appearance of certain plants. Drip irrigation is also the preferred method of watering vegetable. The original aim for the use of drip irrigation in agriculture was not water savings but rather the greatly increased plant growth that it encourages. Drip decreases soil compaction, keeps soil moisture close to ideal levels and reduces weed growth between rows. Go Digital today with Dripsol to get your customized drip irrigation kit for your farm. Dial 0746300055 or 0738690937 or write to us through or


Tuesday 21 November 2017

Watering Made Easy with Dripsol Drip Irrigation System.

Using a drip irrigation system, you are able to water several times per week using less water and maintaining the health of your plants.  Letting the top few inches of soil dry out between watering will allow the roots and soil organisms to breathe properly and, when combined with a 3 or 4-inch layer of organic mulch, plants will use almost all of the water that you provide with little evaporation loss, especially in areas with high temperatures or wind. When using a drip irrigation system, you can also add a drip line to it that will allow water to enter the soil at predetermined spots getting more water to the plants’ roots where it’s needed most.

When prioritizing your watering schedule during drought conditions, remember to water newly planted ones first and then others based on how they can handle the stress of a drought. Start with new plants, then older, today’s drip irrigation systems work in a wide variety of conditions, but during a drought is where they really shine. Being able to water your plants and keep them healthy using very little water is a farmer’s dream come true and only a drip irrigation system can make that happen. Drip irrigation systems are highly effective, very efficient and can save you a lot of money per year in water costs. With drip irrigation and with your help, drought conditions don't have to result in the devastation of your plants.

#Happy Farming!

Monday 20 November 2017

Let's make this month (December) and next month January 2018 a Smart Irrigation Month, a time set aside to bring awareness to the problems presented by worsening drought and a diminishing water supply. It's also an opportunity for farmers to learn about the solutions (such as drip irrigation) that are readily available to provide relief. If you're new to drip irrigation and wondering how to get started, you won't find a faster or easier way to get up and running than one of Dripsol Company complete kits. Available in Economy, Standard, each kit is designed for a specific purpose and everything required is included for you to quickly install a drip irrigation system to your Farm.
Call us on: 0746300055 or 0738690937
Write to us: or

For mesh filters, check and clean them weekly or more often if you find your water is not clean.


Drip Irrigation Filter  Dripsol Company micro watering in drip irrigation, tiny particles of dirt are your worst adversary. WHY? Because they clog up your drip irrigation tubes and emitters, making them ineffective. To avoid this clogging problem, a water filter of some type is recommended, filters come in two configurations: mesh and sediment filters.

Mesh filters are made from small layers of well mesh. The size of the mesh openings determines what size particles will be stopped and what size will pass through.

Most drip irrigation kits generally include a mesh-type filter.

The other type of filter, the sediment filter, is most often used in whole house water filtration. Sediment filters consist of a cartridge and housing, and the cartridge does all the filtering.  Remember : You will need to change your cartridge (or clean your mesh filter) periodically.

Happy Farming!

Sunday 19 November 2017

Whether you live in the arid or semi arid parts of Kenya, you will at some time have to face a drought. It may not be as bad in your area as it is in others, but it’s still a drought nonetheless and your plants will suffer for it if you don’t take action now.

Using a drip irrigation system is your best defense against drought conditions and your farm withering away. The advanced watering techniques used in modern drip irrigation systems can keep your plants watered and healthy without any extra effort on your part.

Don't wait. Dial 0746300055 or 0738690937 or write to us through for more information or to order your drip irrigation kit today.

Happy Farming!

Wednesday 15 November 2017

       Go Drip,Drop and Crop. 

Nearly 50% of all water used to water farm is wasted. Most of this waste can be attributed to pop-up sprinklers. Dripsol Company offers this suggestion regarding pop-up sprinkler systems: “Drip irrigation systems, use between 20 to 50 percent less water than conventional pop-up sprinkler systems. Installing a drip irrigation system can save 30,000 gallons per year when compared to a traditional pop-up irrigation system.” What are you waiting if you don't have it yet?

If you want to save water and money, we really recommend converting those water-wasting sprinkler heads over to more efficient drip irrigation. If you have any questions or need more information on Drip irrigation, don’t hesitate to contact us, as we are always happy to assist with your water-saving projects!

      Drip.Drop and Crop
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   Call us  : 0746300055                         

Do you use drip irrigation system on your Farm? Call us today to place your order  for all your drip irrigation solutions.

0746-300-055 or 0738-690-937

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         #Happy Farming 
                       with  Dripsol Company

Monday 13 November 2017

Water Distribution, may sound complex, but its really just a term for the components that are used to bring water from your Water Source connection to the areas that need water in your farm or garden.
Drip Irrigation Tubing, Poly Tubing, Poly Pipe, Supply Line, Trunk Line (Common term for Polyethylene pipe), Is a flexible black irrigation tubing hose which is used for both main and lateral drip irrigation water lines. Drip tubing is designed as a thin walled product to allow for easy connection to either Compression Fittings or Direct Lock Tubing Fittings. Because of its thinness, drip tubing can be punctured with a hole punch and connected to smaller micro drip tubing lines to act as lateral feeders to plants, flowers and trees.

Designing and Planning Your Drip Irrigation
Before rolling out your drip tubing, its best to lay it out in the sun for at least 30 minutes or more. This helps to soften the tubing and makes unrolling it much easier. When laying drip tubing, its best to roll it out in the same way you would roll a tire. This helps prevents rock particles in the tubing. Begin unrolling the drip tubing by weighting down the end of the tubing with a heavy object or tubing hold down stake to keep it in place. Roll out the tubing in the desired areas according to your design. Install tubing hold down stakes every 5 to 10 feet to hold the tubing in place.

The above illustration shows an example of how the solid drip irrigation tubing supply line can be run from the water source out to the area to be watered.

By design, drip irrigation tubing is flexible in its application. Adding to or changing your drip tubing layout is easy. Removable Direct-Loc drip fittings make it easy to reconfigure your drip system if your needs or landscape designs change. Use compression or Direct Loc drip tubing fittings to make the necessary connections in drip irrigation tubing. Couplings allow for two ends of tubing to be joined together. Elbows are used when drip tubing needs to make a sharp turn. Tees allow for new branches to be run from exiting drip tubing lines. End Caps are used to terminate the ends of drip tubing lines.

In general,  We recommend using mulch, bark or wood chips to hide the drip tubing if desired. Doing so can actually extend the life of the drip tubing by shielding it from direct sunlight. If you need to bury your drip tubing, its best to sleeve the tubing in solid PVC pipe.

Happy Farming.

Friday 10 November 2017


 Drip irrigation systems are very user friendly, but the potential for costly mistakes is always a factor for the do-it-yourself installer. Here are five common mistakes and some tips on how to avoid them.

Mistake 1 – Over-Watering Your Plants. Probably the hardest adjustment when converting to drip irrigation is getting past the expectation to see a large wet spot on the ground or even puddling of water at the base of the plant, much like you see when watering by hand. Drip irrigation is a very efficient way to get water to your plant's root zone, so you don't need as much water as other watering methods. In fact, you should only see a small spot of water on the ground surface (about 3 diameter) at the dripper. The water gets to your plant's root zone by traveling vertically through the soil due to gravity and horizontally through the soil due to capillary action within the soil. To see exactly how water is permeating your soil, first run your system for 30 minutes, then shut it off. Wait another 30 minutes, then dig down below a dripper and around the plant to see the wetting area and if there are any dry spots. If necessary, you can either adjust the placement of your dripper or add another dripper. Sometimes it's best to start with a lower volume of water, monitor your plant's health frequently to see if it needs more or less water, and adjust the water volume or watering time accordingly.

Mistake 2 – Not Matching Your Drippers to Your Plants' Watering Needs. Different types of plants have different watering needs. If you're watering different types of plants on the same zone, you'll need to make sure you're not giving too much water to some plants and not enough water to other plants. Ideally, you would want plants with different watering needs on separate zones. When that's not feasible, you can adjust your system accordingly. For example, if you have two plants on a zone, and one plant needs twice as much water as the other, you can put a dripper with double the flow rate at the plant that needs more water. If you only have drippers with the same flow rate, you can put multiple drippers at the plant that needs more water to double the flow rate. Side note: Space your drippers at least 6 inches away from the base of established plants to avoid fungal infections and other types of diseases. Try using two drippers per plant positioned at opposite sides of the plant to promote even root growth, and if one dripper gets clogged, the plant will still receive water from the other dripper. See our complete selection of drippers. 

Mistake 3 – Exceeding the Tubing Capacity of Your System. This mistake occurs commonly when you are not aware of the system's capacity. For example, the capacity for 1/2 poly tubing is 200 feet (single run length) and 200 g/hour (flow rate). If you have a 1/2 tubing single run length of over 200 feet, you may have inconsistent water flow at your drip emitters due such factors as friction between the tubing walls and the water flow. If you are using drip emitters with flow rates exceeding 200 gallons per hour with 1/2 tubing, you'll also get inconsistent results. This concept is referred to as the 200/200 Rule for 1/2 tubing. For 3/4 tubing, use the 480/480 Rule, and for 1/4 tubing, use the 30/30 Rule. Of course, there are always exceptions. For example, if you have a run length of 300 feet of 1/2 tubing and you have drippers on that line with a total flow rate of only 50 g/hour, the low flow requirement will usually offset the friction loss in the longer run lengths.  Dripsol Company, Installation has lots of good basic information to Farmers to help keep their project on track.

Mistake 4 – Inadequate Water Supply or Flow Rate. The flow rate (usually measured in gallons per hour or gph) from your water supply must be equal to or more than the flow rate required by your drip irrigation system. For example, if you are using 200 drip emitters rated at 1 gph each on 1/2 tubing, that equates to a total of 200 gph required by your system. Although you are within the tubing capacity, if your water supply is not producing at least 200 gallons per hour, you will experience inconsistent water flow from your drippers. For this example, you can either decrease the required flow rate of your system by decreasing the number of emitters, or you can use drippers with a lower flow rating, or you can split your system into more than one zone. We have an easy flow rate calculator ; To calculate the flow rate of your particular water source, fill a bucket with the water source fully open. Time how long it takes to fill the bucket to the top. Then, enter your figures into the calculator. The results will tell you how much water is flowing out of your source over a period of time, and the maximum size drip irrigation system that your water source can service.

Mistake 5 – Water Supply Pressure is Too High or Too Low. Where we see the low pressure issues are mainly with wells and water tanks. If you have concerns that your pressure is too low to properly support a standard drip irrigation system, you can always consider a system specifically designed for low pressure water supply applications, like rain water catchment or other containment systems. 

Many of these mistakes can be avoided by spending a little bit of time planning your system. Let's know what's making your drip irrigation to fail.Write to us; or  to place an order of our drip system at an affordable price or call us through 0746300055

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Drip Irrigation Emitters Difference?

Drip Irrigation users can select from a number of different types of drippers to suit different watering needs. Drippers, also referred to as emitters, are the end devices which deliver water to plants in a specific manner. By understanding the differences in emitter types, users can more easily select the right emitter for any application.

In a typical drip irrigation system, tubing is laid out from the water source to the end of the planting area. This mainline tubing may have emitters attached directly to it at points adjacent to individual plants. Smaller tubing can also be installed between the mainline tubing and individual plants with emitters attached to the ends of the smaller tubing. Emitters might also be imbedded within certain sizes of tubing, called drip tubing or drip tape, with the emitters spaced at specific distances apart within the tubing. Since systems can be configured in many ways, it is not uncommon to find any combination of different types of emitters within a system.

The most common emitter is known as a dripper or button dripper, and emits water at a specific rate, Drippers are commonly used to water individual plants, and most drippers are color-coded so the user can easily identify the different flow rates. Cleanable drippers have a removable cap to allow the user to remove small obstructions within the dripper. A dripper that is not cleanable would need to be replaced if it becomes clogged. Pressure compensating drippers deliver a precise amount of water regardless of changes in pressure due to long tubing runs or changes in terrain elevations. Adjustable drippers allow the user to vary the amount of water emitted, usually between 0 and 20 gph, by turning the dripper cap or a small valve.

Drippers are available with varying patterns with which water exits the dripper. Typical drippers just drip water from the end. Some adjustable drippers emit water in several small individual streams out to a diameter from a few inches to a few feet in arcs of 360 degrees or 180 degrees. A bubbler type of dripper produces a gentle umbrella pattern for rapid watering near the root zone. A "vortex" type of dripper emits water in a steady circular pattern for a larger coverage area than a bubbler. The inlet side of drippers is usually a barbed end designed to be connected to 1/4 tubing or inserted into a hole in the side of larger diameter tubing. Emitters with threaded ends are available to allow some types of drippers to be inserted into rigid 1/4 risers or into a hole drilled into PVC tubing. Some drippers even come with a built-in stake to secure it into the ground. Adjustable (stream), bubbler, and vortex drippers can be used for plants which require a larger wetting area than standard drippers can provide, such as plants with wide root zones or plants in larger containers

Spray Jet emitters spray water out to a larger diameter than typical drippers in arcs of 90, 180 or 360 degrees, and the flow rate is usually adjustable. Another type of spray jet, called a strip jet, sprays water in two opposite directions for watering narrow strips of area. Another type, called a downspray, sprays water in a downward circular pattern. A pop-up spray jet consist of a narrow tube which rises from a larger tube when activated, which is similar to the pop-up sprinklers used in high pressure landscape watering systems. Spray jets are most commonly used to water a large area such as crawling ground cover.

Micro sprinklers are emitters which spray water out to larger diameters than typical drippers or spray jets. While the spray pattern is usually 360 degrees, at least one type is available with an adjustable arc between 30 and 330 degrees. Micro sprinklers can be used to water areas such as smaller patches of lawn. Misters and foggers are emitters which spray water in a very fine mist. Some misters can also be used for air cooling effects as well as for watering plants.

Since drip tubing and drip tape have embedded emitters at specific distances apart, they are ideal for row plantings. Although drip tape needs to be laid out in straight rows, drip tubing can be laid out in curves or circular patterns as well, which is ideal in creating rings at the base of trees for efficient watering. Different types of available drip emitters means more design options for users. By matching the right emitters for your varied watering needs, you'll be able to maximize the efficiency of your drip irrigation system.

Monday 6 November 2017

  Troubleshooting Drip Irrigation With Dripsol Company.

No drip irrigation system is immune to malfunctions due to normal wear and tear or exceeding the systems limitations. Although your drip irrigation system is virtually worry free, you also need to periodically check all the components to insure that any problems or potential problems are identified and corrected in a timely manner. Here are a few solutions to help you maintain an efficiently operating drip kit system when certain issues arise:

Problem: valve does not open or close.

Solution: Check rubber o-rings and replace as needed. Re-tighten connections by hand only. Check for and clear any debris in the timer. Check the battery and replace if necessary.

Problem: Uneven or no flow at drippers; clogged drippers.

Solution: Check all filters and clean as needed. Make sure that you did not exceed the system's total maximum flow capacity of 30 gph for 1/4 tubing, 200 gph for 1/2 tubing or 480 gph for 3/4 tubing. Make sure that you did not exceed the system's total run length limitations of 30 feet for 1/4 tubing, 200 feet for 1/2 tubing or 480 feet for 3/4 tubing. Check for adequate water flow and water pressure available at the water source. Clean or replace pressure regulator if needed. While the water is on, hold your finger over the dripper outlet for a few seconds. This "back flushing" will often work to reset inconsistent emitters. Clean dripper (cleanable models) and/or replace dripper if necessary.

Problem: Drippers or fittings popping out of tubing.

Solution: Check water pressure past pressure regulator at the end of the mainline tubing run by unscrewing the end cap and attaching a pressure gauge onto the fitting. Recommended pressure is 25 psi. Replace pressure regulator if necessary. Check for and remove any clogs in drippers or fittings. Remove dripper if necessary, plug hole with a goof plug, then reinstall dripper into a cleanly punched hole in the tubing. If dripper is at the end of 1/4 tubing, remove dripper, make a clean cut at the end of the tubing, and reinstall dripper at the end.

Problem: Leaks along tubing; damaged tubing.

Solution: Cut out leaking or damaged section and reattach sections of tubing with a coupler. If tubing damage is caused by rodents, consider additional solutions to repel rodents.

Problem: Fitting separating from tubing; fittings do not fit tubing.

Solution: Push tubing further into or onto compression or barbed fitting. Ensure other types of fittings  are properly attached and secured. Ensure outside diameter (OD) and inside diameter (ID) tubing size is compatible with fitting size.

Problem: Plants appear stressed.

Solution: Check water flow at drippers near plants. Clean, repair or replace all associated components, including tubing and connectors as needed. Adjust dripper flow rates and add more drippers if needed. Adjust watering schedule as needed.

This troubleshooting guide is just a small sample of the issues which may occasionally arise with your system, so make sure to consult drip irrigation experts for more extensive or complicated problem solving services.

Happy Farming!

Thursday 2 November 2017


When putting together your drip irrigation system, it is useful to know what type of soil you have in your planting area. You do not need to be a soil expert, but you should be aware that water moves differently and creates different wetting patterns through the different types of soil: sand, loam and clay.

Sandy soil:  Water moves quickly through sandy soil and does not travel far from the dripper. The wetting pattern is much more vertical than horizontal in this type of soil. If your soil is sandy, then you may want to use higher flow drippers and drippers that are spaced closer together to ensure your plants receive enough water. With a higher flow, you may also want to water for shorter durations, but more often.

Loamy soil:  Loamy soil is more dense than sandy soil so water will travel slower allowing it to spread more evenly through the soil both vertically and horizontally. Mid-range drip emitters may be a good choice and you can space drippers further apart since the wetting pattern will be larger.

Clay soil:  This type of soil is very dense, which causes water to be absorbed very slowly. Drippers with the slowest flow rate are a good choice to prevent the water from pooling on the surface of the soil near the plant. Any water at the surface of the soil could eventually be lost to evaporation or runoff to areas you don't wish to water. With lower flow rate drippers, you should water for longer durations to ensure your plants receive enough water.

By knowing your soil type and how water behaves under the surface, you'll be able to design your drip irrigation system with the right components and the right watering schedule to ensure your plants stay healthy.

Share with us your Drip Irrigation experience. We love your Feedback.

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Call us:  +254 (0) 711197823

Wednesday 1 November 2017

As the world population climbs and water stress spreads around the globe, finding ways of getting more crop per drop to meet our food needs is among the most urgent of challenges. One answer to this call is drip irrigation, which delivers water directly to the roots of plants in just the right amounts. It can double or triple water productivity – boosting crop per drop – and it appears to be taking off worldwide. Amazingly, most farmers today still irrigate the way their predecessors did thousands of years ago — by flooding their fields or running water down furrows between their rows of crops. Often less than half the water applied to the field actually benefits a crop.
The rest isn’t necessarily wasted. Some of it makes its way back to a river or groundwater source where it can be used again.  But the excessive diversions can deplete rivers and streams, pollute water supplies with pesticides and salts, and result in large losses to evaporation. Today, as throughout modern history, irrigation is crucial to the global food supply: Yet less than 4 percent of the Kenya’s irrigated land is equipped with micro-irrigation systems. Clearly, the irrigation revolution has a long way to go.
To date, farmers have adopted micro-irrigation mainly for fruits, vegetables and other high-value crops that can provide a good return on the investment. But as rivers run dry, and the country look on to farmers for additional supplies, the rationale for getting more crop per drop is mounting in more places and with more crop varieties. Dripsol Company,the market leader in drip irrigation, we have expanded drip’s use around the country. Farmers which we have done the installation of a subsurface drip system on their farm claim a 90% increase in yield compared with a conventional sprinkler, and a 70% reduction in water use thus resulting in a dramatic increase in water productivity.
Over the last decade, low-cost drip systems tailored to the needs of poor farmers have begun to spread, as well. So will there be enough water to grow the food we need while still keeping our rivers and freshwater ecosystems healthy? The answer depends in large part on whether farmers will find it profitable to invest in more efficient technologies.  Reducing water subsidies, for example, would help expand the drip market.Drip irrigation is clearly on a roll, but its potential has barely been tapped.

Call us today {+254 (0)7 11197823} to get started with your drip irrigation needs for your farm or write to us through

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Dripsol Company Drip products are made especially for low-volume irrigation systems. By delivering water at or near the plants’ root zones,our  products offer targeted watering with greater efficiency for healthier plants and outstanding water savings. With over 150 products, we have the broadest drip irrigation product line in the industry to meet any site requirements.

Many slopes are planted with ground cover instead of turf, consider installing highly efficient Dripsol drip lines which offers controlled release watering to help eliminate runoff and encourage healthy root growth. Not only will the landscape drip line improve the visual impact of the site, it isn't visible, and may help cut down on vandalism.

Effective drip irrigation is a mixture of good upfront planning, proper installation, and a solid maintenance technique. If all three are done properly, many emotional, financial, and physical problems can be avoided—and a healthy, aesthetically pleasing slope planting will be the result. Call us today and make your order through 0711197823 or write to us through

Monday 30 October 2017

A lot of time and hard work goes into planning, planting, and caring for a home garden. Once little seedlings sprout up through the earth, the impending solar heat could be the demise of all of your hard work.Depending on your location, the intense heat and a dry climate can provide poor conditions for your farm, and even in a fairly temperate location,hence withering plants and vegetables.

To keep your garden growing strong and to free up some time, install drip irrigation system with us. Read on for reasons why drip irrigation works, the basics on drip irrigation, the reasons why you should have a system of your own, and where to start.connect with us on today for a success on your drip irrigation.


Wednesday 25 October 2017

Our drip irrigation watering kits have many benefits, such as being Eco-friendly, cost effective, provide a higher success rate and promote healthier plants.  Listed below are even more benefits.
  • Water Efficiency: When your plants need water, a drip irrigation system will provide that water with much less runoff or evaporation.
  • Root Zone: Your plants need water at their roots, and a drip irrigation system combined with a timer enables you to provide the water your plants need and targets the root systems, saving you both water and money.
  • Versatility: When you need the most versatile watering system available, you need a drip irrigation system that can adapt to any landscape and can be used for container gardens, vegetable rows and balconies. A drip irrigation system can grow with you as your gardening needs grow and can be used anywhere in your garden.
  • Conserves Earth's Resources: It isn’t a surprise that as the Earth’s population increases, using less water is an absolute necessity. Without a drip irrigation system in place, most of the water you use in your garden will evaporate due to the hot climate, heat or be exposed to runoff and not reach your plants’ root systems. Drip irrigation uses less water and promotes fast plant growth offering our planet a beautiful and more abundant future.
  • Savings: Drip irrigation saves water.  With a properly installed drip irrigation system, you could see up to a 50% reduction in annual water usage for your farm.
  • Reduction of Pests & Weeds: Water that sits on top of the surface of your farm causes an increase in pests, weeds and fungal growth. A drip irrigation systems directs the water at the root systems of your plants and effectively reduces pests, weeds and harmful fungal growth.
  • Ease of Installation: Installing a drip irrigation system is easier than ever; our kits require no cutting of water supply lines, and they route easily wherever your garden is located; and what’s even better, our kits are not only easy to install, they are very inexpensive and will save you money on future water usage.
With Dripsol company full installed kit, will save you money, help the environment and provide your plants with the nourishing water they need, where they need it most and  their root systems. Our Drip  systems can be used anywhere plants grow and will take less time to install than you would imagine, it's not late to order one for your farm, contact us today. You are on the right place to start; we provide you with the right kit for your needs.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Drip and Crop with Dripsol Company

     Contacts us through / or through 0711197823

Monday 16 October 2017


With increase in the country's population, the demand for food also increases. Rainfall does not always occur in right amount at the time when crops need water. Thus, there is always a need of irrigation in most parts of the country due to its ever-increasing population.

The average annual rainfall in Kenya is between 200 to 600 mm in which temperatures range from 23°C to 34°C. Dependability of rainfall is, therefore, low from agricultural point of view. Also, for a large part of any crop season, the water needs of a crop exceed the available precipitation. These inadequacies of rainfall make irrigation very essential for increasing food production. 
Don't hesitate to contact us through: or or our handset 0711197823 for all your drip irrigation needs.#DRIP.DROP.CROP

Reason to work with Dripsol Company

Dripsol Company helps farmers save time, improve crop yields, extend the growing season, and conserve water through the distribution of drip irrigation systems. Our “drip kits” are intended for small, medium-sized or large fields of irrigation, which can provide a diversified diet, improved nutrition for families, and supplemental income for rural households. Our drip kits are designed to be durable and at very affordable price, making it affordable to all farmers. The emitters provide water directly to the roots of plants, using only a small amount of water to keep crops irrigated during droughts and dry seasons.
By implementing drip irrigation, farmers are able to increase the variety of crops on their farms, produce higher yields, and extend their growing season year-round, resulting in greater food supply and income opportunities. Whether cultivating tomatoes, onions, kales, spinach, carrots, lettuce, beetroot, or any other nutritious vegetable, drip irrigation is the most efficient way to supply water to crops. We work closely with farming communities around the country to provide farmers with the resources they need to establish a year-round productive farm - products.
Get in touch with us for your farming drip kits irrigation needs through;, or through our handset contact 0711197823.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Why Dripsol Company: Drips of Life

  • Based on careful study of all the relevant factors like land topography, soil, water, crop and Agro-climatic conditions, we select the most suitable irrigation system. We offer you a complete system for your crop so that you reap all the benefits.

  •  We have the capability and adequate support infrastructure to take up total turnkey agricultural development projects of any size irrespective of land, topography, soil, water and other Agro climatic conditions.


  • whatever may be your crop, we have a suitable irrigation kits for each of them.
  • Dripsol company means a technology developed for farmers by a company which knows and understands the farmer and his needs.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

 Contact us on 0711197823 OR

Tuesday 10 October 2017


Drip irrigation is a water saving, efficient and effective watering system. #dripsolcompany

Friday 29 September 2017

Thursday 28 September 2017

A to Z of growing onions

Onions under drip irrigation done by Dripsol Company,

Last week, I got an e-mail from Tony, a regular Smart Harvest reader. Tony wanted to know how to grow big bulb onions. Growing big bulbs starts with good site selection. Ensure the planting site is not shaded, onions need the maximum number of hours of daylight to grow into big bulbs. Choose a site that gets plenty of direct sun. Prepare the soil so that it is loose and crumby. Dig a shallow trench that is approximately 4″inches deep and 4 inches ″wide. Add in compost or fertiliser and cover it loosely with 2 inches ″of soil. Plant the onions 6 inches ″ from the edge of the trench on both sides of the trench. Don’t plant the onions in the trench! Allow a 2 inch margin between the onions and the outside edge of the bed. Plant the onions an inch deep 4inches ″ apart. Planting the onions too deep will inhibit their ability to bulb. 

When planting several rows of onions, leave 16 inches ″ between the outside edge of one bed, and the outside edge of the next. The spacing from the centre of one fertiliser trench to the centre of the next should be 36 inches. For big bulbs you need to feed the crop well. Onions are heavy feeders, apply phosphorus and potassium for root development during the first two to three weeks after planting. This should be followed by a biweekly application of nitrogen fertilizer to keep the foliage growing. The ideal way to provide the fertiliser without burning the bulbs is to lay it in a 3-inch-deep trench that runs the length of the onion row but 2 inches away from it. Cover the fertiliser trench with soil and water slowly. Frequent and adequate fertiliser encourages the growth of large onion bulbs. Once the bulbing starts (characterised by cracks forming around the crop) stop the application of fertiliser. Irrigation Always water your plants thoroughly. Onions need at least 1-2 inches of water per week until the bulbs starts to form. This is because they have a shallow root system and dry soil will cause bulbs to split. Avoid overhead irrigation because, wet leaves increases susceptibility of the crop to fungal and bacterial diseases. Onions do well with consistent moisture but are prone to rot if the soil is too wet. If you see your onion tops developing a yellow tinge, cut on the water. 

A freshly installed drip irrigation kit in Kiajai,Meru. Courtesy of DRIPSOL COMPANY
Drip irrigation is ideal. Reduce the amount of water once the bulbs have formed, and the tops start to die back. This will help the onion crop cure properly. Mulching can be used to maintain moisture and to control weeds, but it should be removed immediately bulbing begins. This is also meant to help in curing the bulbs. Mulching helps Control fungal and bacterial diseases especially during the rainy season. Be proactive by applying a biweekly protective fungicidal spray to the foliage throughout the onion’s growing cycle. If you don’t want to use synthetic fungicides, consider organic options. If you don’t spray and disease takes hold, it will move to the rings on the inside of the onion and cause decay in storage. Keep the farm weed free; otherwise, the onions won’t grow big. Given their weak root structure, onions do not compete well with weeds. Mulch can be used to control weeds. Plastic papers have been used effectively. I prefer use of straw for mulching. However, should you use straw you must pull it back once formation of onions bulbs starts. This will allow the onions to dry out naturally and will help you preserve them when they are mature. Once these tops have completely faded and fallen over, onion plants are ready for harvesting and can be pulled and left in the sun to dry for several days before storing in a cool, dry area. All the best Tony. 

The writer is an expert on agricultural solutions and sustainable agriculture.
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